Love this! Can I also add acronyms to this list 😂

One of my least faves buzzwords for no apparent reason is also ‘underpins’

I once worked this someone who described everything as ‘underpinning/underpinned’. It sends me off into a spiral whenever I see it.

See also: wearing lots of hats, put on your x hat, required to wear different hats

WHY?! WHY HATS? I don’t want to wear a hat. Gah. Stupid. Just say you need to have different skills - stop giving me weird visualisations of people wearing cowboy hats and bonnets (appreciate the latter is a product of my own mind…)

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These are honourable additions to THE LIST!

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Go beyond... still makes me shudder 🤣

One of my pet hates currently, though not particularly business 'speak' is getting the response '100%' after any point I make - just say YES, or I agree!

It's hard getting old, pretty much everything annoys me 100% of the time now.

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Haha! I've definitely done that in the past. Oh, the inhumanity.

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There's an apple tree in my back garden. This makes my back garden sound a lot more grandiose than it is. It’s really a small courtyard in which someone planted an apple tree against one of the walls.

Anyway, I digress. It’s a big’un so I was picking apples from it the other day and all I could think of was the phrase ‘low hanging fruit’. I don’t really want to think about low hanging as a phrase in general, and it struck me that suddenly I was thinking about a corporate phrase WHILST DOING SOMETHING OUT IN NATURE.


Also, looping back. Looping anywhere. No ones looping anything, we DON’T MAKE SCOOBY CHAINS HERE, DO WE?!


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pivot! please God, no...

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I thought of another one this week - 'close the loop' 🫠

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